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    Lost Reality (2004)

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    Lost Reality
    This video is an assortment of alleged 'reality shows' that never made it on the air for one reason or another. Includes segments entitled "Amazing Racist," about a Jew who approaches black people in a Klan outfit and sells anti-muslim paraphernalia outside of (and within) and mosque; "The Whore," about men caught on camera during sex as it's revealed to them that their blind date was paid; and "Psych Ward," about using psychiatric patients in a 'game-show' type situation. All of these segments are examples of the non-disgusting part of the compilation. "Money" is the lead example of the segments bent on vomit-inducing situations, as it offers money to people to do disgusting things just to see how much it takes for them to do so. Many segments also include the promotion of illegal activities, such as drug use, prostitution, and grand theft.

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    IMDb Wertung:
    5 / 10 :: 345 Votes
    Genre: Komödie
    Executive Producer: Donnie B. Gold
    Produzent: Mark Hankey
    MPAA: R
    BBFC: 18
    Schauspieler: Abdul Malik Abbott  Monique Alexander  David M. Barsky  Patrick DeLuca  Devon  Jake Downey  Kami Herrington  Kymberly Jane  12 weitere
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