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    Allah Ke Banday (2010)

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    Allah Ke Banday
    Orphaned Yakub Ansari is befriended by Vijay Kamble, adopted by the latter's mother, and lives in Bhulbhulaiya slums in Mumbai. They start with petty crime and drugs, then join a gangster Boss' gang, and rob a jewelry store. With Vijay's mother ill, they need money and decide to keep the jewelry, but Boss prevents them, and they shoot him with his own gun. Subsequently, they are arrested for a variety of breaches of the Indian Penal Code, including homicide; tried in Court, and sentenced to a juvenile home. Once there, they earn money selling cocaine and get into the bad books of older men as well as the Warden and are beaten severely. They recuperate and kill one of the men which results in an inquiry and the abrupt departure of the warden. The duo continue selling drugs, save money, are discharged and form their own gang, arming them with guns. Soon the duo make political connections by supplying drugs to the wealthy children of politicians...

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    • Faruk Kabir
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    IMDb Wertung:
    6 / 10 :: 79 Votes
    Genre: Action Krimi Drama Thriller
    Executive Producer: Sumant Pai
    Produzent: Ravi Walia
    Schauspieler: Varun Bhagwat  Vikram Gokhale  Zakir Hussain  Sharman Joshi  Faruk Kabir  Ajaz Khan  Atul Kulkarni  Saksham Kulkarni  5 weitere
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